Advance Health Care Directives
What You Need to Know About Advance Health care Directives
Unfortunately, there may come a day when you are no longer able to make medical decisions for yourself. While this can be an uncomfortable thing to think about, it is an issue that must be considered. You need to be properly prepared for whatever might happen to you. If you want to have a voice in your own medical decisions, you should set up a legally valid advance healthcare directive. Here, our dedicated estate planning attorneys explain what an advance healthcare directive is, as well as how it could benefit you.
What is an Advance Directive?
Simply put, an advance directive is a document through which you can provide specific instructions for your medical care and healthcare decision-making in the event that you become incapacitated and are no longer able to make such decisions for yourself. It is highly recommended that you consider creating an advance health care directive as part of your overall estate plan. This document has the binding force of law, and medical providers must follow your wishes.
Of course, it should also be noted that it is impossible to anticipate every possible medical scenario in advance. As such, it is also advised that you grant a trusted representative with your healthcare power of attorney. This person will become responsible for making decisions on your behalf, should your advance health care directive fail to provide answers to any specific medical question that might arise down the road.
State Regulations on Advance Healthcare Directives
In the modern world, it is common for people to move around from state to state. You should always make sure that your advance health care directive is up to date and conforms to the requirements of the current jurisdiction in which you are living.
While laws on advance health care directives are fairly similar between the states, there are some important differences between certain states. With this in mind, you should always follow your state’s specific procedures. Whether you live in Virginia, Washington, DC, or Maryland, the attorneys at the Kamerow Law Firm can help you with all of your healthcare planning needs.